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How to Integrate TCM into Your Daily Health Routine

· tcm singapore,tcm clinic singapore,acupuncture
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There’s no exception when looking after your health. It’s not like your job where you can take a day off during the weekends. After all, your body is working 24/7 and 365 days a year! Hence, there is no excuse if you want to stay unhealthy over some time. Well, you can take cheat days or rest days from your exercise, but it should not exceed your healthy days.

Unfortunately, some people believe that staying healthy is more of a task than a way of life. Contrary to what they believe, a healthy routine should integrate into their daily lives, just like eating, breathing, or sleeping. It should not feel like a duty because you’ll feel less motivated in the long run. To start prioritising your health, begin with integrating TCM into your daily lifestyle in Singapore. 

Prioritising Health 

Most young people are in their top health condition, even if they overwork their bodies. It gives them an illusion that health is constant. However, in reality, health can deteriorate as you grow old if you don’t prioritise it as early as in your 20s. At this point, you may lack the conviction to list health as one of your top priorities. So, let this article show you what would happen if you did not integrate traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore into your daily health routine. 

  • You don’t think clearly
  • Affects relationship with other people
  • Easily stressed and feel anxious
  • Feels lethargy
  • Risk to diseases or illnesses
  • Unhealthy skin condition
  • More visits to hospital

Those are only silent symptoms. But what if it became irreversible? For sure, you would regret that you did not prioritise your health with a TCM clinic in Singapore. Better continue reading to learn how you can integrate TCM into your daily routine. 

The Ways to Integrate TCM Into Your Health Routine

There should be a balance in the human body. For instance, too much exercising can lead to more problems than solutions to your fitness goals. Or, too much dieting can lead to body image issues. Hence, the key to a healthy life is to bring balance with the help of traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore. Here’s how you can integrate TCM into your daily health routine. 

1.Sleep is for the Strong 

In traditional Chinese medicine, they believe that sleep is a way to balance your day. For sure, people praise you if you grind yourself to climb up the corporate ladder. But have people told you to take a break from time to time? Well, in TCM, they encourage you to get an adequate amount of sleep starting from 10 p.m. Additionally, they advise you to sleep before midnight. 

Contrary to the saying that sleep is for the weak, it is actually for people with convincing self-discipline to follow a sleeping schedule every night. Indeed, TCM requires people who have the dedication to improve their health. 

2.Mindful Exercising 

As mentioned above, TCM is about balance. If you overwork your body, it could be counterproductive! Make sure to give yourself a break once or twice a week in between your workout sessions. It is advisable to visit a TCM clinic in Singapore to know which exercise can suit your body. A recommendation you can get is to try tai chi. 

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art for health and meditation. One of the benefits is that you can feel more relaxed because of the low-impact movements. It is applicable for people who want to improve their flexibility. Also, make sure to be consistent with your workout to get the results you expected. 

3.Mindful Eating

Luckily, there are many choices in the TCM diet. There are vegetables, fruits, soups, or even herbals to include in your diet. However, keep in mind to have mindful eating habits. In TCM, they believe that eating at regular hours can make your body improve digestion. They also recommend drinking warm water or tea to prepare your stomach muscles. 

If you visit your TCM clinic in Singapore, don’t forget to ask about the herbs appropriate for your health. There are ginger, liquorice, ginseng, etc. If you stay consistent with your diet, you can see the improvement of your health day by day. 

4.Regular TCM Clinic Visit 

Another way to integrate TCM into your daily health routine is to visit a TCM clinic. This way, your physician can update you about your health condition. Your regular visit can also help you maintain your health status and prevent risks like diseases or illnesses. However, make sure to consult in a trustworthy clinic to avoid consulting an unreliable clinic that can affect your overall health. 

5.Trying TCM Sessions 

You can also improve your health by trying TCM sessions, such as cupping therapy and acupuncture for fertility. It can help your body’s natural response to health complications. So, visit a TCM clinic to know the treatment that suits your body needs. 

Thomson Chinese Medicine, a TCM clinic in Singapore, is for people who want to integrate TCM into their daily lives. Now, visit their website to consult a physician.