Pollution is bad for our lungs, our skin, and even our hearts, and we all know it. In the end, it's a difficult problem that can't be solved quickly. Meanwhile, the vast majority of people in the world are exposed to air pollution daily. Based on a study from a respected ENT specialist in Singapore, there is considerably more of a concentration in urban regions. Children's health is particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of pollution in urban environments, according to numerous studies by the World Health Organisation and the Centers for Disease Control. What about snoring, though?
Pollution may be the cause if you've discovered that your partner or child has started snoring regularly. Snoring can be caused by respiratory disease, allergies, and other sleep disturbances in adults and children. If the problem remains, you need to find a sinus specialist in Singapore.
Who Is More Prone to Sinus Complications?
The nose is an important connector between the airway and the rest of the world. It warms and humidifies the air while also filtering out environmental allergens, particles, and diseases before they reach our lungs. People who breathe through their lips do not have these protective systems in place and are more likely to have dry mouth, throat irritation, and sore throat than other people. Consult with an ear, nose, and throat specialist at your preferred clinic in Singapore for a full and thorough examination.
Singapore's Pollution and Sinus Problems
Continuous exposure to high levels of air pollution may cause respiratory symptoms and aggravate pre-existing heart and lung conditions. Because of the presence of particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide, haze has the potential to be hazardous. According to research, it takes 1–3 days after a pollution exposure to develop respiratory difficulties, but this is not certain. If you are experiencing serious symptoms, you should consult an ENT specialist in a respected Singapore clinic.
Sinus Complications that are Common in Singapore
Allergic rhinitis is a condition caused by the body's excessive immune responses to an allergen, such as pollen. According to an ENT Specialist in Singapore, the most common symptoms are nose itch, sneezing, runny nose, and a blocked nose; additional symptoms include eye itch, sinus congestion, coughing, and a plugged ear. The most serious complication is hearing loss.
A person who suffers from allergic rhinitis already has a hypersensitive nose lining, which makes treatment much more difficult. Nasal irritation caused by particulate particles in the dirty atmosphere, for example, makes the nose lining more exposed to air pollution and makes it more susceptible to infection. They may also experience more frequent flare-ups, recover at a slower rate, and be more prone to sinus infections and congestion as a result of their condition. It is also possible that the disease could result in nasal obstruction, which will result in discomfort, congestion, and sinus infection. To manage your issue, schedule an appointment with a skilled sinus specialist from a respected Singapore ENT clinic as soon as possible.
Why Is Snoring A Problem?
Imagine how much their snoring bothers them if it keeps you awake at night. People who snore regularly are less likely to get a good night's sleep and are more likely to suffer from sleep deprivation in the long run. Gradual sleep deprivation can leave your loved one exhausted even after a full night's rest if left unchecked. If you are suffering from chronic snoring problems, it is paramount that you get yourself checked by a doctor and have snoring treatment in Singapore.
Snoring and Sleep Deprivation
Some people may also have a hard time focusing and a shift in their attitude. Hyperactivity is another symptom in youngsters who are experiencing sleep deprivation. Children with ADHD are more likely to have a sleep disturbance than those without it, according to a study by the Sleep Foundation. It doesn't matter how your loved one is affected, because all of the symptoms of sleep deprivation impair learning and retention. If you notice yourself snoring on a frequent basis, you should seek a sinus specialist in Singapore.
Curing Your Sinus Problem
Take a few minutes to jot down a few pieces of information before making an appointment with your ENT specialist in Singapore. Knowing when the snoring began and how often it occurs can help your doctor get a better sense of your situation. Additional symptoms that may be relevant should also be noted. A complete physical examination by your doctor is still required. Additionally, some sort of evaluation may be required. They may also be able to narrow down possible causes, resulting in an earlier diagnosis.
As one of the best ENT surgeons, Dr Dennis Chua believes in taking a thorough, interdisciplinary approach to one's health. He had extensive training in ENT surgery, including endoscopic, robotic ENT/thyroid surgery, transoral robotic, and laser microsurgery, among other specialities. Dr Chua's Singapore facility also offers snoring therapy, which can be found here. For any questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact the clinic.