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Foot Health 101 - 4 Simple Ways To Have A Healthy Feet!

· foot clinic,singapore,ankle doctor,foot specialist,fungal nail
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Our feet do a lot of work in hauling every step we can get. Whether it's a hundred or a thousand steps through a day. However, we tend to put them at the bottom of the list when it comes to care and medication. It's easy to disregard our foot health unless there's an unbearable pain or disorder that affects our mobility. Going to a local foot clinic in Singapore seems unnecessary until the problem becomes too obvious to ignore or too late to prevent an injury from progressing.

If your foot health is falling behind you, then you are falling behind as well. Here are simple tips for preventing injuries and how to healthy feet:

Maintain your feet clean and dry

Washing every part of your feet removes away dust, grime, sweat, and germs that cover your feet to prevent odour. Maintain your feet clean at all times, but avoid excess moisture content on your feet as well as your shoes. You don't want to wind up catching an infection and having to look up looking for a fungal nail treatment in Singapore for your feet. 

Wear the right footwear

You don't just disregard your foot's comfort even when you're wearing bling or flashy footwear. Your footwear should be right exact for your feet size or - perfectly fit - this is to avoid bunion development. Or else, you might end up paying for a foot specialist in Singapore rather than save it for a nice pair of footwear!

Avoid cutting or shaving calluses.

Why is cutting or shaving calluses such a big deal? Because doing so can damage your skin's tissue when you cut the calluses far way down - which also makes your feet prone to infection.

See a professional when you have an injury.

Whether it's located in your foot or ankle area, seeing a foot and ankle doctor in Singapore provides significant help in treating injuries the right way and preventing the worsening condition.

If you're looking for a bunion or Achilles tendonitis treatment in Singapore, ECPC offers ankle and foot treatment for injuries and disorders.