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5 Steps to Prepare for Your Future Pregnancy

· divarication of rect,urinary incontinence
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Pregnancy can risk your and your baby’s health. It’s not something you can decide on in a split second. Before conceiving a child, you need to consider things such as financial stability, health complications like postpartum belly, and your mindset. To help you prepare, here are the things you need to do to prepare for a safe and healthier pregnancy. 

1.Consult a Doctor 

The first thing you need to do is consult a doctor to know whether your body can carry a baby without complications. Your doctor can also advise you of the lifestyle changes and medications to take to avoid complications like the divarication of recti and urinary incontinence in Singapore.

2.Prepare Your Finance 

Taking care of your baby will need stable financial resources. Of course, you also need to consider your postnatal care routine in Singapore. Plus, the milk, clothes, medical checkup of your baby. So, make sure to have enough finance for your parenthood journey. 

3.Stop Your Bad Habits

Planning for a baby also means you’ll enter a new chapter in your life. For this reason, you have to stop making bad habits like smoking, drinking, or partying till late at night. Otherwise, you’ll experience health complications like a postpartum belly. Once you have the baby, your time will mainly revolve around them. 

4.Prioritise Mental Health 

You’ll experience many changes during your pregnancy, and you might also develop postpartum depression. Although it’s inevitable, you can minimise the effect of these changes on your well-being by prioritising your mental health. You can do diastasis recti exercises to improve your mindset. 

5.Eat Healthier 

Finally, it’s advisable to eat healthier to prepare your body for pregnancy. It would help if you took nutrients like folic acid, calcium, and prenatal vitamins to lessen health complications. Also, add more fruits and vegetables for a healthier diet routine. 

Prepare for your pregnancy with Orchard Clinic, supporting your postnatal care in Singapore. Contact them today to create your health plan.
