Wearing unfitting shows is common among adults. When you buy shoes, the first thing you will consider is the size, brand and style. However, sometimes you are not accurate about finding the right shoe fitting for your feet. It is because there are people who prioritise style over comfortability. Unfortunately, you can develop a bunion that may need the attention of a foot ankle specialist in Singapore.
If you like wearing fashionable yet unfitting shoes, you should know the symptoms of bunion in Singapore.
1. Bulging Bump
It may feel swollen and irritated because it’s hard to move your big toe. If this regularly happens, it is a sign that your bunion needs medical attention in Singapore. Also, you will see a bulging bump on your toe.
2. Limited Movement
Since you’ll feel irritation in your toe, there will be limited movement. Unfortunately, it can affect your daily life and work. To solve this, you need to visit your foot and ankle specialist for bunion surgery and treatment in Singapore.
3. Calluses or Corns
With a bunion, your first and second toe will rub against each other that causes calluses or corns. If this feels too uncomfortable, you need to find a bunion treatment without surgery to treat it. Better yet, visit your foot and ankle specialist for a thorough consultation.
4. Constant Pain
Bunions may cause a lot of irritation and discomfort in your feet. As a result, there will be constant pain. Of course, you need to see your foot and ankle specialist in Singapore right away! They will determine if bunions treatment without surgery or home treatments can alleviate the pain.
5. Difficulty Finding Shoes
Your bunion may give you a hard time finding the right shoes in the market. However, your foot and ankle specialist will help you with the fitting through insoles. They can also advise if you need bunion surgery in Singapore for a faster recovery process.
Keep your feet healthy from a bunion at East Coast Podiatry in Singapore. Book a session with a foot and ankle specialist now!