A woman’s body goes through various changes during motherhood. The uterus grows in size, the organs shift, and the muscles stretch to accommodate the developing fetus. Discomfort or mild pain is natural during and after pregnancy because of these changes, especially around the area of the postpartum belly. The abdomen goes through so much pressure as the baby grows, which could cause uneasiness.
However, it is crucial to note that pain can also be a sign of health concerns—especially after your delivery. While you may feel discomfort as your body recovers from the stress of pregnancy and childbirth, tenderness, spasms, and soreness could signal your need for postnatal care in Singapore. To help you understand why you may be feeling abdominal pain, here are a few conditions linked to the symptom:
Following childbirth, your uterus slowly returns to its natural size. You may feel lower abdominal pain similar to menstrual cramps as this situation occurs. Avoid strenuous movements during this time, even diastasis recti exercises.
Constipation is a common cause of abdominal pain. If you are troubled with urinary incontinence after your Singapore delivery, your urge to pee may get worse because being constipated puts more pressure on the bladder.
C-Section Recovery
Caesarean births require the doctor to make an incision at your abdomen to deliver your little one. As the cut heals, you may feel soreness around the area. If your C-section wound is swelling or irritated, visit a specialist or a postnatal care provider in Singapore immediately.
Diastasis Recti
The abdominal muscles naturally separate during pregnancy. They naturally go back to their positions after a while. If they do not, you may get diagnosed with the divarication of recti, a condition that causes lower back and abdominal pain.
Orchard Clinic can help you find the root of your postpartum belly pain and design a treatment plan that will address it. Visit their website below to learn more about their postnatal care centre.