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Things to Know About Bunion and Bunion Surgery in Singapore

· orthopaedic clinic,bunion Surgery,ankle specialist
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Getting a noticeable bump on the side of your toes? Does it cause you pain, discomfort or hinder you from wearing certain types of shoes? That can be quite unpleasant. This foot condition is often called a bunion. A bunion is a type of deformity that often affects the big toe of the foot. The affected area will experience painful sensations due to the incorrect alignment of bones that ends up bumping one another when the patient is moving. 

Our feet are made up of various bones and unlike our forearms or legs, the bones that make up our feet are tiny, slender and complicated in shape. This allows us to conduct small movements such as curling our toes, arching the soles of our feet, tiptoeing, and other activities. For the same reason, a bunion can be developed. Today, we will share with you the facts you should know about bunion and bunion surgery in Singapore.

Bunions are not one and the same

When you are feeling a painful sensation when trying to walk or wear certain types of shoes due to having a bunion while some of the people you knew didn’t seem to be in pain, that is very much natural. You are not being oversensitive or faking your pain. Some bunions are actually painful while others seem to be manageable. Even orthopaedic doctors claim that not all bunions need orthopaedic surgery. In fact, if the bunion is not causing pain or discomfort, it is not recommended to have it corrected.

Bunions are hereditary for most times

If you have this realization that bunions seemed to occur across your family, you are not imagining it. Studies have shown that bunions are a type of bone disorder that can be hereditary in nature. Should you are worrying if you will develop bunion due to it running in the family, you can set an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist for diagnosis.

Bunions are not a toe but a joint problem

As mentioned earlier, our foot is made up of many small bones that serve as joints to allow critical movement. In reality, bunions are misalignment of the joint around the side of your feet. If you are having flat feet, this joint is pushed outward and in turn, it pushes the toe inward, creating a bunion. 

In Conclusion

Having bunions can be distressing. Whether it is painful or not, you will have to give up wearing closed-toe shoes, not to mention that it is certainly not a sight to see. Should you like to go for surgery, it is best to consult a reputable orthopaedic clinic soon.
