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The Dos And Don'ts Of Great Vein Health

· spider vein SG,treatment,varicose veins SG,vein clinic SG,deep vein thrombosis

 When we think about serious medical problems, not a lot of us would probably mention our veins. But think about it—your veins are part of your circulatory system—an important system that also includes your heart and other vital organs of the body. If something goes wrong with your veins, it can not only impact your appearance but also your health. 

For example, have you ever heard of deep vein thrombosis in Singapore? It is a serious medical condition that refers to when blot clots form in your deep veins. If the blot clots travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in areas like your lungs, this can prove to be fatal.

Why it’s important to care for your veins early

So how can you combat vein problems and issues? Well, there are certainly a lot of misconceptions around vein health and issues that we need to dispel. Before I started taking vein health seriously, I used to take them for granted. In reality, we need to start young when it comes to vein health. 

Most issues such as spider or varicose veins are treated as signs of ageing, but you don’t need to be in your fifties to worry about them. These issues can happen to anyone regardless of age, and if you’re part of certain groups, you may even be more likely to experience them. Did you know overweight people are more likely to experience issues with their veins? And did you know women are more at risk than men?

Another misconception that we need to do away with is that vein issues are merely an aesthetic issue and not a medical one, and thus, we don’t need to be too worried about them. Sure, things like spider vein treatment in Singapore may seem useless because spider veins look like a fairly innocuous, if not annoying part of our appearance. But they can worsen and become inconvenient or even painful over time. It’s not just a blemish on your appearance, but an actual issue.

The dos and don’ts of having great vein health

Whether you fall under the at-risk groups or you’re a healthy and active individual with no vein issues, maintaining great vein health is important. I myself am a young individual with virtually low risk of vein issues, but I try to keep this part of my body healthy as well. 

You don’t need to just go to a regular vein clinic in Singapore, you need to foster good habits in order to maintain your health. Here are some common dos and don’ts of good vein health.


  1. Always stay hydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your blood tends to thicken. Thick blood is harder to push through your veins and can cause them strain. This makes you more susceptible to varicose veins. Drink plenty of water so your blood can thin out and circulate your body more freely.
  2. Always keep moving or exercise. You don’t have to be an athlete, even simple walking exercises every day can make a huge difference. Walking and stretching allow your blood to get pumping and move around your body more easily, which is why they’re great for your veins.
  3. Elevate your legs every day. Keeping your legs elevated above your heart is good for the veins because it allows your blood to flow towards the heart. It’s good to do this especially if you suffer from varicose veins in Singapore. You can do this by propping your legs up on a pillow or a wall and resting for just a few minutes.


  1. Start smoking. You probably already know about other dangers that smoking poses, but here’s one more for the bunch: did you know that smoking can cause your blood to thicken? Heed the warning, don’t smoke!
  2. Expose yourself to heat needlessly. High temperatures can cause vein enlargement and blood pooling if you’re exposed to too much of it. Cut down on hot baths, sauna time, sunbathing, and other similar activities.
  3. Eat an excess of sugary foods. Sugar can cause a number of health problems, but one of the most concerning is that it can cause a buildup in veins and lead to high cholesterol and fat buildup. Always eat these foods in moderation and drink plenty of water to thin out your blood.

Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular is a clinic where you can find specialists who can assist you with vein issues and concerns. Book an appointment to know more about conditions like varicose veins in Singapore.