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Relieving My Body Ache | How Physiotherapy Helped Me

· Physiotherapy Clinic,Physiotherapist SG,Physiotherapy Cost

I want to go home and rest. 

Most people answer this same sentence or similar to this one if you ask them what they do when their body aches. Well, there is nothing wrong with their method since sleeping can reduce pain. 

As stated in the article that I read two years ago, lack of sleep can increase pain sensitivity. Based on my understanding, sleeping enough would help relieve the pain. But I think that theory does not apply nor work for me. My body still aches even after sleeping for hours, which was why I tried a different method—I tried physiotherapy in Singapore, and the cost is worth it!

If you are not familiar with that term, let me explain that matter below. 

What Is Physiotherapy?

It is another term for physical therapy and is a medical speciality that can restore and maintain the mobility of any limbs or the entire body. 

But that is only the definition. The physiotherapist that I met in Singapore says they have a bit of difference from one another. He mentioned that physiotherapy has a more hands-on approach and often used manual therapy. 

Just in case you are not familiar with manual therapy, it involves stretching, joint mobilization, soft tissue release, and many more.

Meanwhile, physical therapy has an exercise-based kind of method that focuses on strengthening and balancing the muscles. 

I found that the difference between the two is right when I tried the former. My body ache went away, and I no longer feel stiff when I move.

Will It Hurt?

The shortest answer is no. It will not hurt, and it is safe to get one. 

BUT if you had an injury in the past, you should try a session of sport physiotherapy in Singapore instead. This method is a bit more complex, but it can take away the pain caused by injuries related to sports. 

Just be prepared since some experts put a lot more pressure than others. Therefore, you might feel a bit of discomfort, but you will get accustomed to that eventually. 

How Long Was the Physiotherapy?

The session I had with them did not last long. Most of the sessions last from thirty minutes to an hour, but not longer than that since my condition is not severe.  

Another reason my session did not last long is that I knew what I had to do. I always came ready and made sure to listen to the physiotherapist. Therefore, if you want to experience the same thing, consider doing the following. 

  • Arrive fifteen minutes ahead of time.
  • Wear comfortable clothes so you would not get irritated during the session.
  • Go bare with no makeup or lotion in the body since they will apply one if necessary. 
  • Bring your list of questions so you would not forget. I always had mine since I wanted to make sure I got the most out of the 

physiotherapy session. 

  • Inform the 

physiotherapy clinic in Singapore if you are coming to your scheduled appointment so the doctor would know.

How Much Does It Cost?

The physiotherapy in Singapore cost a bit cheaper on subsequent visits. Therefore, do not get surprised if the physiotherapy clinic charges you less than what you paid last time. 

If you are curious about how much I paid for my initial physiotherapy, it would be around S$110 to S$130, give or take. But make sure to prepare more since It has been a while since my last session. 

What To Do Afterwards?

There is nothing grand. All the physiotherapist said was to drink a lot of water and follow the physio exercise he made. He even warned me to note down any pain I feel since my session. Doing so would help him reassess my condition and come up with a better physio technique. 

Most of all, he encouraged me to take a rest from work. He said that sitting for hours does not do any good in my body. Since then, I always take a day off from work once in a while. As a result, my body no longer aches, and I feel much better. 

Do I Recommend Edge Healthcare?

It is hard to do things when the body aches. However, as long as you regularly visit a physiotherapist in Singapore, you will have nothing to worry about the pain. The pain that caused you to postpone your work before would no longer happen again. So, yes, I do recommend Edge Healthcare

The truth is, I highly recommend them since the pain that wakes me up at night is no longer there. Therefore, if you also need to relieve your body ache, better book an appointment with them. 

To book one, go to the website of this physiotherapy clinic in Singapore and let them know where you are free.