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Five Commonly Asked Questions on Sleep Apnea

· ENT Doctot
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Despite the prevalence of the condition of sleep apnea in Singapore, a lot of people are still confused by it. They still have a lot of questions about its causes, how it affects people and who are at most risk of getting the condition. 

To help Singaporeans out, we'll be answering some of the most commonly asked questions around sleep apnea and the available snoring treatment on the island. 

What is Sleep Apnea? The sleep disorder sleep apnea starts and stops the breathing of a patient as they sleep at night. While the condition is more common among men, older and people with obesity are more at risk. People suffering from the condition are often categorized into three kinds of sleep apnea; obstructive, central and complex sleep apnea syndrome.

Who's At Risk?Besides men, the elderly, and obese patients, sleep apnea can be experienced by heavy smokers and drinkers. Certain groups of people with overbite and unusually large necks have also reported symptoms of sleep apnea. 

How Dangerous is Sleep Apnea?If left untreated, sleep apnea can be dangerous. Some of the common long term side effects of the condition include daytime fatigue, insomnia as well as increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. 

Patients suffering from sleep apnea can visit a local sleep clinic in Singapore for treatment. 

Can It Be Treated?Thanks to modern science, there are now various sleep apnea and snoring treatment in Singapore. Those who want to get treated should look for a sleep specialist to help them out. 

Can It Be Prevented?There's no foolproof solution to preventing sleep apnea. But there are several techniques you could use to minimize risk. 

For example, a sleep specialist in Singapore recommends avoiding smoking as well as drinking to lessen one's risk. Furthermore, they advise patients to live an active and healthier lifestyle to curb the condition. 

Learn more about sleep apnea and snoring treatment in Singapore by visiting Dr Gan Eng Cern - Sinus & ENT Specialist Singapore's website
