For many, acupuncture is a way to relieve stress. But, for some women, it’s also a way to increase their chances of conceiving. But, exactly how does acupuncture for fertility work? Continue reading to find out.
How Acupuncture for Fertility Works
Several studies have shown that the ability of acupuncture to increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant has to do with its ability to relieve stress. By stimulating nerve endings underneath the skin, acupuncture helps the body release endorphins, which can have positive effects on fertility.
Other Health Benefits of Acupuncture that May Help in Fertility
✓ It helps relieve stress and anxiety
✓ It minimises risks of depression
✓ It may improve the chances of conceiving in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
✓ It helps reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone), thus reduce the risk of miscarriage
Are There Risks in Acupuncture for Fertility?
Acupuncture for fertility is generally safe provided that you consult with a certified and licensed fertility doctor in Singapore. It’s also worth to be aware of what you should expect at your appointment.
What Happens During a Visit to a Fertility Doctor in Singapore?
✓ In-Depth Consultation: Your fertility doctor may ask you everything from your causes of stress to your diet
✓ Acupuncture: After the consultation, your doctor will use a variety of points to boost fertility: head, lower legs, and belly, to name a few.
✓ Relaxation: Needles will be left in for about 20-25 minutes while you relax.
✓ Follow-Up: The next visits with your fertility doctor will be shorter and may not include a consultation.
While the research is not clear about the success rates of acupuncture, there are, however, success stories about how acupuncture helped with fertility.
For more information, visit a TCM clinic in Singapore today.