“It is a culture’s duty to take care of its elders.”
This is a quotation from one of our favourite movie which talks about elderly people. It is a very meaningful quotation for us as an elderly care institution. After all, our elderly are once our age, they strive to make our country the way it is today. Now that they are aged and most of them are needing care and attention, we must not turn our backs on them.
For this reason, we would like to share these five traits that make a good elderly nursing home in Singapore. If you are planning to have assistance in taking care of your house’s elderly, these are the qualities you should check on.
Elderly home care in Singapore is expected to be caring. Most elderlies are having difficulties hearing, seeing, moving, or talking about their needs. As a care provider, they must have a culture of caring and compassion towards the elderly. They must be able to willingly offer assistance since elderlies cannot do some tasks without aid. Compassion is very important to ensure that your house’s elderly are in good hands.
Elders tend to be more emotionally vulnerable than they were when they are younger. Being able to do lesser and lesser activities as they age is very frustrating. Thus, it is important that elderly care in Singapore knows how to be supportive of the elders under their care. They must know when to assist and when to watch over so elders can still do some of the tasks on their own and develop self-esteem.
As we mentioned earlier, we must respect our elders because they are the reason we are enjoying the privileges of life today. Elderly care in Singapore must appreciate this fact and treat the elders with the utmost respect.
Taking care of the elders require a lot of patience, more so if the elder under your care isn’t your relative. Therefore, an elderly nursing home in Singapore is expected to have workers who have very enduring patience towards the elderly.
Last but not least is dedication. A care provider for the elderly must always have a dedication towards their vocation. Taking care of the elders is a tough but fulfilling task. We at Orange Valley can attest to that. No task is so difficult if you have a heart for what you are doing.