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3 Exercises for Mothers Recovering from Diastasis Recti

· divarication of rect,postpartum belly,diastasis recti exer
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Having a new baby isn’t the only change you’ll go through that sticks around after pregnancy. Postnatal care in Singapore involves dealing with many changes regarding their bodies that they will have to learn to cope with. Some of them can improve or fade without intervention, but other times, you may need to undergo a few treatments or learn new habits to address them.

What is diastasis recti?

One common condition that you might have postpartum is the divarication of the recti, also known as diastasis recti. Diastasis recti is a medical issue that affects your abdominal muscles; wherein the two sides of your recti abdominus separate when they normally rest together. After pregnancy, it should settle back into its original position, but oftentimes it does not.

Learning how to deal with this postpartum belly issue is a concern that many women would like to resolve because it can leave noticeable marks on your belly. They can be much more obvious than just stretch marks or a flabby belly.

How does one deal with diastasis recti?

Thankfully, you don’t normally need serious treatments like surgery to correct diastasis recti. Exercising can help in repairing the changes, and in around 8 weeks, you should start seeing improvements. Here are the best diastasis recti exercises.


Do them on your knees and stack your shoulders over the palms of your hands. Hold for at least 20 seconds.


This helps engage your ab muscles and helps in their repair. 

3.Heel taps and leg lifts. 

While supporting your ab muscles, doing leg lifts can strengthen your core.

Orchard Clinic can assist you with addressing medical concerns that come with being a new mother. Learn more about common issues such as urinary incontinence and more in Singapore.
